Geographical coordinates

Geographical coordinates toolbox.

This toolbox provides functions to work with different geographical coordinate systems. Latitude/longitude position is represented by parameter latlong with one of these formats:

  • (latitude degrees, longitude degrees)
  • (latitude degrees, longitude degrees, altitude)
  • (latitude degrees, minutes, longitude degrees, minutes)
  • (latitude degrees, minutes, longitude degrees, minutes, altitude)
  • (latitude degrees, minutes, seconds, longitude degrees, minutes, seconds)
  • (latitude degrees, minutes, seconds, longitude degrees, minutes, seconds, altitude)

The altitude is always specified in meters, with negative values being depth below water surface.

pos represents position in a local coordinate system (easting, northing) or (easting, northing, altitude) specified by a UTM zone.


Convert latitude/longitude to (latitude degrees, longitude degrees) format.

arlpy.geo.distance(pos1, pos2)

Compute distance between two UTM positions.

Convert latitude/longitude to (latitude degrees, minutes, longitude degrees, minutes) format.


Convert latitude/longitude to (latitude degrees, minutes, seconds, longitude degrees, minutes, seconds) format.


Convert latitude/longitude to (latitude degrees, minutes, seconds, longitude degrees, minutes, seconds, altitude) format.


Convert latitude/longitude to (latitude degrees, minutes, longitude degrees, minutes, altitude) format.

Convert latitude/longitude to (latitude degrees, longitude degrees, altitude) format.

arlpy.geo.latlong(pos, zone=None, origin=None)

Convert local coordinate system position to latitude/longitude.

To convert a UTM position into a global latitude/longitude, the local coordinate system has to be specified in terms of a UTM zone 2-tuple, e.g. (32, 'U'). Alternatively a local coordinate system can be specified in terms of an origin latitude/longitude.

arlpy.geo.pos(latlong, zonenum=None, origin=None)

Convert latitude/longitude to local coordinate system position.

If an origin is specified, the local coordinate system is set up with that origin and East-North axis. If no origin is specified, the UTM local coordinate system is used. A specific UTM zone can be forced by specifying zonenum, if desired.


Convert latitude/longitude information in various formats into a pretty printable Unicode string.

Convert latitude/longitude to UTM zone.